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Abington Art Center is a community center focused on music, drawing, painting, oil, ceramics, metals, sewing, embroidery, pottery, and jewelry classes. It is an outdoor free concert venue, with theater, dance, jazz, and live music on stage. You can buy gifts, crafts, bracelets, necklaces, and rings at the unique holiday fair.

About us

Exhibitions at Abington Art Center

Abington Art Center presents art exhibitions year-round in our Kellner, Book Room, and Tile Room Galleries and other gallery spaces throughout the manor and grounds. Our exhibitions program features emerging as well as established, internationally-recognized contemporary artists who represent a wide range of mediums including painting, ceramics, fibers, photography, installation, and everything in between.

Gallery and Sculpture Park Access is FREE to the public.
Our Sculpture Park is open all day long*

*Subject to closures due to private events.
Please call us for up to date information at 215-887-4882.

Current Gallery Hours*

*Subject to closures due to private events.
Please call us for up to date information at 215-887-4882.

Tues. – Thurs.

9:00a.m. – 9:00p.m.**


9:00a.m. – 3:00p.m.

**Those wanting to visit the gallery after 5PM should enter through the orange door and check in at the front desk

For Artist opportunities, visit our Calls for Artists page.
When you visit our gallery, you can follow along with our social story.

Frequently asked questions

Is there a fee to view exhibitions?

The exhibitions and sculpture park at Abington Art Center are free and open to the public.

When can I view the sculpture park and exhibitions?

The sculpture park is open every day sunrise to sunset. Exhibitions can be viewed at the hours above. Both the galleries and sculpture park are subject to closures due to private events. If you are planning a visit please check our event calendar.

How do I show my artwork in Abington Art Center’s galleries?

Artist that wish to show their work with Abington Art Center can submit to one of our open calls. Abington Art Center has several calls years round so check back often on our Call for Artists page.

Can I rent one of the galleries?

Gallery rentals are possible based on availability. Fees vary depending on the gallery, exhibition length and numerous other factors. If you are interested in renting a gallery, please contact Amy Cook at