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Abington Art Center is a community center focused on music, drawing, painting, oil, ceramics, metals, sewing, embroidery, pottery, and jewelry classes. It is an outdoor free concert venue, with theater, dance, jazz, and live music on stage. You can buy gifts, crafts, bracelets, necklaces, and rings at the unique holiday fair.

Artist Talk | Alicia Finger & Jenna Hannum

Silver Spring, Alicia Finger, Acrylic on cut paper, collage

Saturday, February 1 2024 | 10:00a.m. – 12:00p.m.

FREE | In-Person Event

Abington Art Center is proud to host an artist talk, featuring 2025 Winter Solo Series artists Alicia Finger and Jenna Hannum.

Please join both artists for a morning of fruitful discussion, as they dive deep into their artistic practices and bodies of work. Our talk will be held in our Kellner gallery.
Our artist talks are sponsored in part by the Jenkintown Lyceum. Bagels are generously provided by Fill-A-Bagel in Jenkintown.

Free programming like this is made possible by your generous donations. Please consider making a donation to the center today.

Alicia Finger

Alicia Finger encapsulates her memories and visits through a combination of painting and collage. Using water-based paints, Finger begins by developing a series of paintings on paper, inspired by places she has been to. She then begins the meticulous process of cutting, rearranging, and layering the material to create dimensional paintings that break beyond the bounds of the paper plane. This evolution parallels memory, noting “as my memories of these places and experiences evolve, so do these works.”

Flora Wilds

Jenna Hannum combines scientific illustration with unconventional portraiture to catalog childhood memories, family medical histories, and the biological journeys of loved ones. Following the tragic passing of both her mother and sister, her work stems from her desire to have spent more time as a caretaker. “Creating ink from the ashes of medical records and repurposing the tangible items left behind by [her] mother and sister”, Hannum’s careful renditions allow her to retroactively be a caregiver, even posthumously.

For more information on a particular artist or piece please call 215.887.4882 or contact

This event is produced as part of our 2025 Winter Solo Series, on view from January 16 – February 24, 2025.
Our artist talks are sponsored in part by the Jenkintown Lyceum. Bagels are generously provided by Fill-A-Bagel in Jenkintown.

Free exhibition programming is made possible through your generous donations. Please consider making a donation to Abington Art Center today. Thank you for supporting the arts!